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Images on this website which are the copyright of other rights holders are reproduced by permission of the rights holders and their source is clearly acknowledged. Please refer to the copyright statement below.
Charter by King Robert II to Sir John Lyon and his heirs granting a fresh investiture of the Thanage of Glamis, 30 January 1380 (Glamis Castle reference 1/9). Copyright Mhairi Edwards Photography (reference 138).
Account of the Earl of Strathmore to John Greenhill for garden seeds for Castle Lyon, dated 12 March 1705 (Glamis Castle Reference 48/5/1/66). Copyright Mhairi Edwards Photography (reference 126).
Records at Glamis Castle Archives in 2019. Copyright Abbotshall Palaeography.
The view, looking north, over part of what was once Abbotshall parish, Fife in 2020. Copyright Abbotshall Palaeography.
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Images used on the site are derived from a number of sources. The names of the copyright owners in each case are given below. Where the images belong to someone other than Abbotshall Palaeography a link to the relevant website of the copyright owner is given.
Extract from the hearth tax roll for Ayrshire, Crown copyright, National Records of Scotland, E69/2/2/26. Available via the ScotlandsPlaces website.
Extract from a testament recorded in 1637 by the Glasgow Commissary Court. Crown copyright, National Records of Scotland, CC9/7/27/584. Available via the ScotlandsPeople website.
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